I love The mission of Stella & Dot to give every woman the means to style her own life. We are partnering with Dress for Success this month, and I'm so excited that we can give even more women the means to create their own success!
Reach out to me to find out how you can help make an impact! # sdjoy # sdfoundation # sdstyle # stylistlife # dressforsuccess

Stella & Dot
is working with
Dress for Success
How can everyone in the office tell we have a board meeting that day? I dress different-more like a CEO than a multi-tasking, working mom, my other more regular clothing persona. Does my board care? Not at all. But it makes me feel confident and powerful. Looking pulled together makes me feel like I’ve got it all together! Even though I don’t. Truth be told, I woke up before 5am to finish some critical work, squeezed in a lackluster workout because I didn’t get enough sleep, woke my kids ( and dog) up at 6:45, got them feed and out the door by 7:24am, got on a phone call with Blythe to strategize on something we are both so excited about that I ran late so resorted to dry shampooing and taking a bird bath ’shower’ while on speaker phone, then got to work before 9am only to realize I was still wearing my sports bra underneath my sweater. I know. That’s TMI, but it's the truth. And yet- you can’t tell that from this pic! Appearance influences your confidence and how others perceive you- which matter on a job interview. But not all women have the clothes and accessories they need for that interview or the job they land. That’s not right. DressAfford mermaid prom party outfits in black
Which is why I am so proud that we are working with Dress for Success this month to gift a woman in need. Women supporting women, that is what we are all about at
Stella & Dot
. Please join us. For every purchase over $100 between now and Valentine’s day, not only are our customers getting gift of love- pink sparkle studs free with their purchase ( $24 value)- on their behalf, we’ll be gifting an item to Dress for Success!
You can always shop online, but we can do better together. We are looking for early February hostesses to make an impact with us. By hosting, I bet you could be responsible for sending a gift of confidence and love to 10 women! It's a super simple 90 minute pop up shop at your place. Friends love the personal service and style, and you’ll earn rewards (our average host enjoys hundreds free and half off)! Go to our website and find a Stylist near you or message yours today. Xo
We love that Dress for Success is a global organization and donations will be made based on the order the country was placed in. So yes, Canadian purchases go to your Canadian sisters in need.